Teeth Whitening

Get white teeth with a visit

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic treatment increasingly requested by patients which today has high predictability of results and great safety for the health of the teeth. The whitening is obtained through products that are the exclusive prerogative of the qualified specialist who is able to make a diagnosis and propose the right product at the appropriate concentrations to obtain the result. There are two different types of bleaching, in-office bleaching and home bleaching.

The first is at high concentrations of whitening product, the result of which is obtained in a single session and the treatment is carried out in the dental chair. The gel can be self-activating or can be activated by dedicated lamps. The new materials are much improved and have a neutral pH, a feature that decreases the possibility of damaging the tooth enamel, increases dentinal sensitivity and above all prolongs its effect over time. In fact, with the right hygienic attention the natural white effect lasts a long time and patients are happy with the new brightness of the smile for years.

Indications for this type of whitening are all cases in which the whitening effect that we aim to obtain it must not be the same on all teeth because the discolourations are not homogeneous, when there is no dental sensitivity or when the dentist does not want to delegate the management of the therapy to the patient.

The home whitening treatment, maximum results over time

Another type is home bleaching in which the patient becomes the person in charge of the treatment. masks are made to measure of the dental arches with tanks in which the patient inserts the product to be kept in contact for about eight hours a day for 15/20 days, depending on the time needed to obtain the expected goal. Numerous shifts in the color of the shades of gray of the tooth can be obtained which are measured and documented before and after the treatment by means of photographs . All the types of whitening listed are also often recommended in association with restorative therapies involving the aesthetic area, both to obtain a better integration of the restoration into the smile and because after dental interventions in the frontal group it is not recommended to do the whitening because the materials are not they undergo the same whitening process as enamel and would be more visible. Instead, a discussion with the trusted dentist would be desirable also to interpret together the information on the web and the articles produced for patients by scientific societies and to find out what the achievable results may be, after careful diagnosis by the specialist. Do you want to know more about teeth blanching? read the article of the Italian Conservative Academy…