Looking for an English-speaking dentist in Catania?

Dental office Dr. Gallone Ortodonzia Linguale provide the care that you need, covering all your dental concerns.

Whether you’re looking for a long-term family doctor or an emergency fix, our English-speaking dentists offer a wide range of services for all needs and agesfrom cavity fixing to routine cleaning, in order to guarantee you dental health, getting the care you deserve.

And if you need a medical prescription, we can provide you with that too!

Professional English

Your trusted Dentist

For all ages

About Us

We are a team of professionals, who take care of your smile because for us it is the most important thing. We do it by reaching specialized levels of excellence in the various branches of dentistry: from orthodontics to implantology, from periodontology to reconstructive and aesthetic dentistry.


Dr. Mariano Gallone

Dr. Gallone graduated in Dentistry in 1996 and specialized in Orthodontics in 2003 at the University of Catania. He subsequently obtained the Diploma.

Dr Rosario Caschetto - Ortodonzia Linguale Catania

Dr. Rosario Caschetto

Dr. Rosario Caschetto has been a partner at the Studio Dr. Gallone since 2013, dealing with Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry.

Together with the rest of the team, a medical équipe of the highest level and innovative techniques, they have been the point of reference for orthodontics in Catania for more than 20 years.

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Informazione sanitaria ai sensi della L. n.248/2006, della Legge di bilancio 2019, art. 1 commi 525 e 536 e degli artt. 55, 56 e 57 del codice deontologico” Dr Gallone Ortodonzia Linguale SRL - V.LE ARTALE ALAGONA 41/B 95126 CATANIA - P.I./C.F. 05643180879 Direttore sanitario Dr Mariano Gallone, iscrizione all’albo degli odontoiatri di Catania n 471
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