English speaking dentist in Catania

Try DrGallone-OrtodonziaLinguale dental services

English speaking dentist in Catania

Are you looking for an English speaking dental office in Catania?


From fixing a cavity to a routine cleaning, never worry again about finding a great dentist in Catania.

In dental office Dr.Gallone Ortodonzia Linguale, you can  connect with English-speaking medical professional you need for whatever your issue.

Need a prescription? We can help with that too. Don’t leave it to chance!

There’s an English-speaking dentist in Catania for every need and every age.

Just take a look at some of our most popular requests:

  • Braces
  • Dentures
  • Broken tooth repair
  • Veneers
  • Dental x-ray
  • Toothache
  • Jaw Pain
  • Gingivitis
  • Veneers
  • Dentures
  • Teeth whitening
  • Bridge repair

Whether you’re looking for a long-term family doctor or need a quick fix for an emergency need,  connect to the service you need with an English-speaking dentist you can trust.

You can book an appointment using the form at the bottom of our home page  and choose among several services and select time and date.

If you prefer you can chat on Facebook messenger visiting our page

You can have a look to #sorrisigallone gallery on Instagram

You can mail to info@ortodonzialinguale.net

You can book an appointment using the form at the bottom of our home page 



Prendi un appuntamento per effettuare una visita senza impegno nel nostro studio a Catania, in Viale Artale Alagona, 41B

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