Dental veneers

Perfect smile with dental veneers
“We will never know how good a simple smile can do.”
Why dental veneers?
Smiles are the innate way in which we positively interface with the world and with people. This is why we care so much so that there are no embarrassments or compromises in smiling.
After all, there are not many things in this life more important than a smile, natural, healthy, confident and beautiful. p>
The harmony of the smile involves and upsets the entire aesthetics of the face and has psychological implications that cannot be neglected.
For this reason, when redrawing the smile, one cannot think of starting the dental chair sessions without an accurate diagnosis and detailed treatment planning.
The patient is involved in his “ smile design ” with its perplexities, doubts, curiosities but also with its needs and expectations.
Mockup and application of dental veneers
The mock-up is obtained from the digital project, an analog simulation of the smile that is placed on the teeth so that the patient can look, discuss, possibly request changes and then consciously accept the treatment proposal, becoming aware of potential unexpected and possible technical-clinical limitations.
The dentist who does aesthetic dentistry will be a guide in the therapy and counselor for the patient.
At this point the mock up (simulation) created by the project shared with the patient will become a guide for dental preparations, which are no longer aggressive tooth filings but minimally invasive preparations or retouching often only in the thickness of the enamel.
The new ceramic materials can resist the forces of chewing and be covering the discolored structures of the teeth even at thicknesses comparable to those of a contact lens.
This is how dental veneers are born, shell coatings that are applied on the d very poorly prepared and sometimes not prepared at all and who are able to change the shape, color and often even position of the teeth.

Great lasting results
There are many indications for veneers. They are often used to modify the visibility of the smile when the teeth are short or abraded, to close diastemas if the teeth are too small, to modify the shape of the teeth in association with orthodontic therapies, to correct dental discolorations that cannot be corrected with whitening or with conservative therapies.
How long do the veneers last? Do the veneers peel off or break? The new adhesive cementation techniques, performed under the insulation of a rubber sheet called a dental dam, make detachments impossible.
Teeth and veneers become one after gluing, resisting stress over time chewing. The cements are available in various colors and with different opacities to harmonize and make the restoration disappear within the smile.
Furthermore, ceramics are materials of choice for color stability over time and are not risky relapses.
Obviously it is important that the patient contact a team of dentists who have the utmost attention to detail and seek the utmost precision, made up of trained and up-to-date specialists in the sector.